CL's dongsaeng Lee Harin guests on her variety show

Article: "Aren't they twins?" CL x dongsaeng Lee Harin on variety together

Source: Star Today via Nate

1. [+397, -86] They both look charming

2. [+384, -25] Both sisters have the same eye make up style...

3. [+288, -17] She looks like a mixture of CL and Jung Eunji

4. [+26, -4] She just...... looks like a gyopo

5. [+20, -1] Her dongsaeng's way better. She has a mix of Jung Eunji's looks too and has a sexy yet charming vibe to her. Her profile is pretty too.

6. [+14, -0] Her dongsaeng has a really pretty profile

7. [+13, -5] I go to the same school as her, she's really pretty ㅋㅋ her face is really dimensional

8. [+12, -3] Looks like Jung Eunji with darker make up

9. [+10, -4] She's pretty...

10. [+10, -3] She definitely looks like those Asians who either live abroad or have studied abroad. The way they style themselves is totally different from Koreans who live in Korea.


Source: Nate

1. [+147, -15] They both seem into that panda eye make up

2. [+107, -11] Hul... look at her ears

3. [+92, -11] I doubt we'd be able to recognize them without make up

4. [+10, -0] She also kind of looks like an Lee Hi with really bad dark circles

5. [+6, -4] I wonder what their bare faces look like...


Source: Nate

1. [+75, -6] She's pretty

2. [+51, -5] I think the dongsaeng's prettier

3. [+24, -0] Pretty ㅋㅋㅋ they both have pretty names too

4. [+6, -4] Kind of has Lee Hyori vibes when she was 25 years old

5. [+3, -1] She goes to Hong Kong University... which is ranked higher than Seoul University..
